The school year is quickly approaching, and you need to make sure you or your children are prepared for the challenges a new year brings. There are few simple steps you can take that will leave you both feeling and looking good, and help improve your attendance and performance in the upcoming school year. Here are four to start now.
Purchase a New Wardrobe
One of the easiest things you can do to make yourself feel better going into a new school year is to refresh your wardrobe. You don’t have to buy an entirely new closet full of clothes, but a couple of cool new pieces will make you stand out. Some of the looks that are in style this year are animal prints and fleece sweatpants. Don’t forget a new pair of shoes to complete your back-to-school look. When you are looking stylish, you will feel better about yourself, which can give you that mental edge to help yourself perform better.
Start a Sleep Routine
A long summer vacation full of staying up late and sleeping in every day will throw anyone’s sleep schedule out of whack, especially that of a student. You would be surprised to know that the CDC recommends nine to 12 hours of sleep for six to 12-year-olds and eight to 10 hours for teenagers, so students need a lot of sleep.
Start a few weeks before school begins by shaving an hour off of bedtime each week and setting an alarm in the morning so you don’t sleep in. After a few weeks of doing this routine, you and your family will be prepared for your school schedule.
Start an Exercise Routine
While summer vacation can start with a lack of sleep, it can also lead to a lot of couch time playing video games or watching TV. It is a great idea to do some light workouts before you start school to get your blood pumping to your brain. You don’t have to hit the gym every day, but you can go for a jog or even get a pickup game of soccer or basketball going with your friends to have some more fun. Studies show that people who exercise have improved attention, motivation and alertness, which can help out any student master their goals.
Do Some Summer Learning
At the start of the school year, sometimes students perform worse than they did at the end of the year. This summer slide is an easy thing to prevent, but it just takes a lot of motivation from both the student and their parents. You don’t have to do homework every night of the summer, but just set small goals. A few potential goals could be to read two books a month, do some practice math problems once a week or even to try learning a new language. Don’t forget your creative side as well. You can draw or paint your favorite summer scene or try to sculpt a likeness of your pet out of clay. If you do some of these things in the summer, your brain will be ready to absorb knowledge and you will avoid the dreaded summer slide.
If you dress for success, fall into good habits and get ahead of schedule on your learning, you will start the school year off on the right foot. Give yourself a jump start over all of your classmates by following these simple tips.
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