Vaishali created by designer Vaishali Shadangule premiered the Yathavat collection at New York Fashion Week. The collection donned a beautiful, neutral color palette for spring and Vaishali reveals the inspiration behind the collection, where she sources the fabrics for her designs, and her favorite part of the world for travel, that inspire her designs most.
What was the inspiration behind the color palette for this collection? “Inspiration is pulled from my surroundings. This time I looked back to my old collections; I think that any designer, with any new collection you can always see the same things somewhere. Of course everything is new: fabrics are new, silhouette is new, colors are new but you can see that the designer is always there. You will see my entire collection is new, but you can still see my old designs within that. The new collection is very simple and of course you will see nature as my biggest inspiration.”
“Always, nature has been my inspiration. Every time I travel and experience nature I create something different and new. I create my own fabric, and that fabric is created in villages in India. Everything is very raw, and that inspires me. That is the biggest inspiration that I think I have.”
What is your favorite part in India? “I think all of India’s villages are beautiful and if you want to see real India you should visit villages. They still have so much rawness because of course cities are very beautiful but it’s the same thing – India’s villages, that is the real India there.”
What is the inspiration of the hair concepts for the Vaishali runway? “Working with Vaishali, she is such an amazing designer. You can definitely see that she works a lot with different structures, and textiles. With this look her vision was, for hair, was to create a look to let the designs kind-of speak for themselves. And it was very playful; In a sense where it is still sophisticated even though it is a messy bun, a messy chignon. We had two looks, it was that and then the next looks are very beautiful – the looks are strong and very powerful – so we wanted to create something chic for the hair. It has been really wonderful just working with her,” says NYC based hair stylist Jamielynn of.
What are the color tones for makeup? “Ana is the one who had done the makeup but when I was working with her they had talked about a really soft look for the first half of the show. Then for the second half of the show it’s very strong makeup so you’re going to see a lot of bold colors – it’s going to be very boldly stated. And the hair is going to be very chic and progress to very strong as the women walk out.”
What is the color palette that will be used on the Vaishali runway? “Makeup is very natural, enhancing what the models already have. We did not go overboard, just a layer of mascara and we worked with the brows that they have, and a little bit of highlighter just to make the higher points of their face truly pop out. A very natural lip color is being used for this runway, almost the same color as their own lips. It’s truly about the designs. Some of the designs are so strong, and so powerful and they speak for themselves. The makeup and the hair is an enhancement but not to overpower the beautiful designs. There are eight models towards the end of the show that are going to increase the eye look, and we are going to create a bolder eye,” says Ana, hair lead for Vaishali.”Everything is very simple, clean and beautiful. Everything is angelic. When I look at the clothing and the line it just feels very angelic. So that is what the makeup is like, also.”
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